A downloadable game for Windows

Balau is a small cute cat that is not able to face the Sunayan guards in a fight, so the player will have to be stealthy and careful to go around them without being detected, or things can go wrong really fast.


Balau can crouch and walk while crouching, in order to move stealthily through the map. He/she can use this abbility to:

- Make less noise while walking, in order to not be heard by close enemies

- Get cover or hide in grass, behind structures like walls, rocks and others, in order not to be seen by close enemies


Balau is able to jump a considerable height. He/she can use this hability to:

- Reach higher platforms and places that might not be acessible just by walking

Toy Fish

Balau's weapon, that allows Balau to make Silent Takedowns frombehind aggainst unaware enemies, causing little to no damage attacking in other ways but pushing enemies slightly back.

Medical Kit

Balau can use these to heal its Health Points in a fixed amount.

Updated 11 days ago
Published 12 days ago
StatusIn development
TagsCats, Cute, Cyberpunk, Futuristic, Stealth


DDJD-FP-K-Balau-game.zip 135 MB
DDJD-FP-K-Balau-source.zip 106 MB
DDJD-FP-K-Balau-video.mp4 70 MB
DDJD-FP-K-Balau-presentation.pdf 2.8 MB

Install instructions

For downloading and running the game, all you need to do is download the DDJD-FP-K-Balau-game.zip file available and extract it. Then, just run Balau.exe inside the folder and you're ready to play!

The DDJD-FP-K-Balau-source.zip  only contains the source code of the game.